Biofire Smart Gun

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Smart Gun that Only Fires by the Owner

Gun violence is a serious problem in the United States, especially when it involves children and teens. According to CDC, firearms killed a record number of children in 2021, claiming 4,752 young lives. Guns are the leading cause of death for kids and teens in the U.S., surpassing motor vehicles, drug overdoses and cancer. Many of these deaths are preventable, as they result from accidental shootings, suicides, or unauthorized access to firearms by children or criminals.

One possible solution to reduce gun deaths among children and teens is to use smart guns, which are firearms that can only be fired by authorized users. Smart guns use various technologies, such as biometrics, radio frequency identification (RFID), or magnetic rings, to verify the identity of the user and prevent unauthorized use. Smart guns have the potential to prevent children from accidentally shooting themselves or others, as well as to deter theft, illegal trafficking, and misuse of firearms by criminals.

One of the most advanced smart guns on the market is the Biofire Smart Gun, which was developed by Kai Kloepfer, a young engineer and entrepreneur who started working on the project when he was 15 years old. The Biofire Smart Gun is a 9mm handgun that uses fingerprint and facial recognition biometrics to unlock the firearm. The Biofire Smart Gun works in a wide variety of conditions, including if the user is wearing gloves or a face covering.

The Biofire Smart Gun

The Biofire Smart Gun is designed for home defense, allowing firearm owners to defend themselves against external threats while preventing unauthorized access and misuse. The shooting experience is seamless: authorized users can simply pick up the gun and fire it. The Biofire Smart Gun can enroll multiple users, personalize settings, and store data on a cloud platform. The Biofire Smart Gun also has a futuristic design, with sensors, screens, and lights that make it look like a weapon from a sci-fi movie.

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The Biofire Smart Gun is the first and only biometric firearm on the market, and it has received positive reviews from experts and enthusiasts. The Biofire Smart Gun is currently available for sale in the U.S. The company behind the Biofire Smart Gun, Biofire Technologies, is a team of gun owners, engineers, and parents who are developing new solutions to keep their loved ones safe.

David Frein

Abet News | November 18, 2023

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3 comments on Biofire Smart Gun
  1. LASun

    This is a great idea, I want one.

  2. MaxS

    Can I track it on my iPhone, like Apple AirTag?

  3. LeoG

    Yes, no-brainer! all guns should be smart.

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