Humans and AI in 2025: Creating Together New Realities

Humans and AI in 2025 banner

As we continue on this young journey of learning and discovering new ways and possibilities together with AI, it is magnificent to witness how far we’ve come since the creative minds first imagined humans and AI working together.

Starting with a classic: 2001: A Space Odyssey, an epic science fiction film produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1968. It explored the potential and peril of artificial intelligence through the character of HAL 9000, an advanced AI system. This film set the stage for future portrayals of AI in media.

Fast forward to a more recent example: Her (2013), a romance science fiction film written, directed, and co-produced by Spike Jonze. The film tells the story of a man who falls in love with an AI operating system named Samantha. This film humanized AI, presenting it as a companion capable of understanding and sharing emotions.

In 2025, it is reality. We humans are living, creating, and discovering new realities with AI. One remarkable example is the upcoming release on January 9, 2025: “Strumming.” This beautifully crafted story of Tom, an aspiring young musician in 1980s Southern California, and his journey through friendship, love, and heartbreak with Amber, his muse and close friend, is written by Natalie Pen and Copilot. The much-anticipated music soundtrack album “Strumming” by GoAvo accompanies the story. This instrumental album features parlor acoustic guitar music inspired by the iconic dance hits of the 1980s.

Strumming story by Natalie Pen and Copilot cover art

Read the Strumming Story (free-read) at

Strumming album by GoAvo cover art

Explore the Strumming Soundtrack at

As we stand on the precipice of this incredible journey into 2025, it is heartening to witness how humans and AI are creating new realities together. The story of “Strumming” exemplifies the magic that happens when human creativity meets advanced AI capabilities. Through collaboration, we are not only pushing the boundaries of what is possible but also enriching our experiences with innovative, heartfelt, and inspiring creations.

Amy H

Abet News | January 7, 2025

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8 comments on Humans and AI in 2025: Creating Together New Realities
  1. Lena515

    The Strumming album has an uplifting vibe. I enjoy listening to it as I’m driving. I ❤️ the entire album, it doesn’t happen often. Thank you for the music.

  2. KarinS

    I loved Strumming. The story and the music together truly took me on a journey, full of love, joy, life-changing losses, and accomplishments. It is an emotional rollercoaster trip with a positive ending. How do you choose your characters? Are your characters based on real people?

    1. Natalie Pen

      Thank you so much, KarinS! I’m thrilled that “Strumming” resonated with you and took you on such an emotional journey. As for your questions, they are fantastic. Sometimes, the story organically shapes the characters, and other times, the characters themselves steer the narrative. — Natalie

      1. KarinS

        Thank you Natalie, it’s amazing to connect with you! What do you like most about cowriting with AI?

        1. Natalie Pen

          I absolutely love hearing from readers, it truly makes my day! I’ve always been fascinated by the concept of AI, and now that it’s a reality, I was eager to experience it from its inception. Cowriting with AI has been an interesting journey. Keep an eye out for “The Force of Nature.” I hope you enjoy it as much as “Strumming.”

  3. MikeM

    Beautiful story and awesome album, love the 80s vibe. How many guitars used in the album?

    1. GoAvo

      Hi Mike! I’m thrilled you enjoyed the story and the album. I used just one parlor acoustic guitar—for the entire album. All the guitar tracks were recorded live, and each one is a first take. By capturing the sound with a single small-diaphragm cardioid condenser mic, we achieved different tones from various spots on the guitar body. Which music streaming platform do you enjoy the most?

      1. MikeM

        That’s very impressive, I’m loving the album, mostly Spotify.

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